
As the primary language of this web site is Dutch, and the primary audience of this web site can be assumed to understand the Dutch language, also the Dutch version of this disclaimer is considered leading (Disclaimer).

This web site is provided by the maker without any guarantee. The preceding concerns guarantees regarding the availability, the form and the contents of this web site, but possibly also other guarantees that are not mentioned here. The use of this web site is entirely for the own account and risk of the visitor.

This website is merely a place for memories and nostalgia, and is not connected to any radio station that currently exists.

Also see the information regarding Copyright.

This web site is made by Sander Verhagen.

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Me Arriving at RVAM

At an early age already "broadcasting" had an enormous appeal. Other boys may tell you about their ambitions at becoming a fire fighter, my dream was: "director of broadcasting". But what I really liked was the technology involved and radio as a medium. My first acquaintance with a real radio station was the hospital radio/TV.

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Site created 2012-'[[date:%y ]] by Sander Verhagen, a.k.a. Sander LovenDisclaimerCopyright