
As the primary language of this web site is Dutch, and the primary audience of this web site can be assumed to understand the Dutch language, also the Dutch version of this copright notice is considered leading (Auteursrechten).

It is the intention of the maker of this web site to carefully treat copyrighted materials, as described below.

Some pictures on this web site are obtained from other web sites on basis of exceptions to copyright or fair use of copyrighted materials.

The most textual content and pictures on this web site are created as new material, specifically for publication on this web site. The copyright subsequently belongs to the maker of this web site.

Some sound tracks on this web site are copyrighted by the maker of this web site.

Some sound tracks on this web site are made by contributors of the radio station, by the radio station and/or commissioned by the radio station. With that it is unclear to whom the copyright belongs. Subsequently it is unclear whether on basis of the fact that the copyright holders made these sound tracks for radio broadcasting by the radio station also entails that publication of these sound tracks on this web site is allowed. In case copyright holders announce themselves with objections, the copyrighted materials will within reason be removed.

Much of the sound tracks on this web site were originally created using other copyrighted materials (music recordings or at least parts thereof). With that it is unclear how the then publication through radio broadcasting was regulated in terms of copyright. Subsequently it is unclear whether there are any consequences in terms of copyright for the publication through this web site. In case copyright holders announce themselves with objections, the copyrighted materials will within reason be removed.

As far as these concern copyrights held by the maker of this web site and to the extent possible under law, they have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights. These materials are published from the United States. For all intent and purposes these materials are in the public domain. And to that extent it is permitted to reuse these materials, e.g. for radio broadcasting.

Public domain

This web site is made by Sander Verhagen.

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Ook Goedemorgen

Ook Goedemorgen (Good Morning to You Too) was a morning show on the radio station. Here are some jingles.

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Site created 2012-'[[date:%y ]] by Sander Verhagen, a.k.a. Sander LovenDisclaimerCopyright