About This Web Site

Logo of Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik

Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik (later known as Lokale Radio Grafiek Maaseik) was a community radio station, that was a household name for many years, in the Dutch/Belgium border region surrounding the city of Maaseik. It came to growth in the wake of the nationally renowned Radio Veronica of the Netherlands, which started as an underground radio station, operated from open sea, avoiding Dutch broadcasting legislation (which prohibited anything other than public broadcasting). Propelled by Dutch Radio Veronica's mythical fame, and enabled by Belgium's looser laws that allowed radio stations on a community scaled, allowed Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik to develop to its own regional fame.

This website is merely a place for memories and nostalgia, and is not connected to any radio station that currently exists.

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Twee Uur Knettergek or Knettergek (Two Hours Funky-Crazy) was a show with a lot of party and carnival music.

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